Specialty coffee is where art, science, and passion merge and intertwine. Coffee professionals are often in endless pursuit of the perfect cup—an unwavering commitment to unveiling the hidden possibilities within each coffee and transforming it into a sensory delight. It is an immersive experience with each sip that excites the taste buds and captivates the[…]
You Put What in the Coffee?!
By Kurtis-Michael Kearby Coffee Roasting, green coffee, green coffee beans, Papua New Guinea Green Coffee, PNG Green Coffee, specialty coffee, Specialty Green Coffee Nov 13, 2024
You Can Taste It In Your Nose
By Kurtis-Michael Kearby PNG Green Coffee, specialty coffee, Specialty Green Coffee Oct 02, 2024
Taste is one of the most delightful and complex senses, crucial in our daily lives. It influences our dietary choices, cultural experiences, and social interactions. As a quality control manager in coffee, taste plays a significant part in my everyday life. My first coffee cupping was a humbling experience. I found myself in the[…]
By Kurtis-Michael Kearby Coffee Roasting, Papua New Guinea Green Coffee, PNG Green Coffee, specialty coffee, Specialty Green Coffee Jul 20, 2023
Coffee producers worldwide face numerous obstacles when producing coffee. Apart from the normal challenges of executing the difficult daily work, some uncontrollable challenges include climate change, political challenges, plant diseases, and pests that threaten coffee crops. Among these pests is the coffee berry borer (CBB). This formidable pest poses a significant threat to coffee crops[…]
There Is No Simple Road
By Kurtis-Michael Kearby green coffee, green coffee beans, Papua New Guinea Green Coffee, PNG Green Coffee, specialty coffee, Specialty Green Coffee Feb 14, 2023
After three days of high volatility, things have momentarily calmed down enough for the Estate to resume operations. We are finally going to make it to the Estate lab. There is still some doubt within me that some obstacle might prevent this from happening, especially in the land of the unexpected, but this felt like[…]
A Little Bit Goes a Long Way
By Kurtis-Michael Kearby green coffee, green coffee beans, Papua New Guinea Green Coffee, PNG Green Coffee, specialty coffee, Specialty Green Coffee Dec 15, 2022
The trip has been one obstacle after another. Luckily for us, we are both very adaptable travelers and understand that when traveling, especially in developing countries, things are out of your control, and you have to surrender to the flow. Receiving the note that Cedric would pick us up and we could go to the[…]