Papua New Guinea has long been relegated to “blender coffee” status for many in the American specialty coffee industry. This is for a variety of reasons including supply chain challenges at origin, the limited pool of quality-focused producers, and, notably, the lack of exposure to great PNG for many roasters. All of this created a[…]
Big Red – A Maragogype Microlot From Papua New Guinea
By Vikram Patel green coffee, green coffee beans, Papua New Guinea Green Coffee, PNG Green Coffee, specialty coffee, Specialty Green Coffee Oct 08, 2021
Can A Relationship Improve Coffee Quality?
By Luke Waite - pomelo coffee consulting green coffee, green coffee beans, Papua New Guinea Green Coffee, PNG Green Coffee, specialty coffee, Specialty Green Coffee Aug 01, 2021
Specialty coffee…direct trade…fair trade…ethical…relationship. What does it all mean? So many roasters tout that they scour the earth in search of the best coffee sourcing it, roasting it and offering it to you. While that sounds amazing, in my experience, there are many well meaning folks who say they are doing this but actually aren’t.[…]
A Glimpse into the World of Green Coffee in 2021
By Kurtis-Michael Kearby green coffee, green coffee beans, Papua New Guinea Green Coffee, PNG Green Coffee, specialty coffee, Specialty Green Coffee, Uncategorized Jun 25, 2021
The world of coffee is big. It has many different submarkets which can have varying standards, preferences, and procedures. We focus on what can be referred to as the third wave specialty market, which values ethical sourcing, quality, and relationships among other things. With regards to green coffee, it also sometimes operates under fixed-pricing models[…]
What Are Peaberries?
By Kurtis-Michael Kearby green coffee, green coffee beans, Papua New Guinea Green Coffee, PNG Green Coffee, specialty coffee, Specialty Green Coffee Apr 30, 2021
What’s the deal with peaberries? They’re not peas and they’re not berries. They do not look like an average coffee bean. Are they a defect or delicacy? What are these mysterious beans? Coffee grows on trees – shrubs, to be more precise. Buds blossom into cherries and inside the cherry are the coffee beans. These[…]
How Do I Explain These Grades to My Parents?
By Kurtis-Michael Kearby Papua New Guinea Green Coffee Mar 12, 2021
Looking at the Benchmark list of green coffees is like singing the Jackson five-song ABC. The letters AA, C, PB, PSC AX, and Y are situated next to the coffee farm name. It looks like some secret code, but these letters provide useful information for green coffee traders, roasters, and green buyers: They are the “grade”[…]